Fit Rx Health + Wellness

Reverse Chronic Disease with Nutrition

Belldon Colme Episode 138

Belldon Colme at just 39 years old was in the emergency room with his first heart attack. Two more were soon to follow and Belldon was lucky to survive. Over the years, he had constantly been trying to lose weight and lower his blood pressure. He had followed his doctor’s advice over and over again, but nothing seem to work long term.

Knowing that if he wanted to live he had to fix his body, Belldon went back to school to study cellular biology and biochemistry. What he learned shocked him because it was so counter to everything he had been taught about nutrition and the body. Applying what he learned, he lost 105 pounds, reversed pre-diabetes, normalized his blood pressure, and in just less than two years had no remaining sign of heart disease. And he was able to get off of all of his 21 medications! Belldon continued to research how his experience could be enhanced to help literally everyone, and that research formed the basis for what is now Nutritional Fitness™.

You can find out more about him at: